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Versión: V4

Semaphore identities

In order to join a Semaphore group, a user must first create a Semaphore identity. A Semaphore identity contains three values generated with the identity:

  • Private key
  • Public key
  • Commitment

To use and verify the identity, the identity owner (user) must know its private key. To prevent fraud, the owner should keep their private key secret.

Install package

In your code, use the @semaphore-protocol/identity package to manage Semaphore identities.

npm install @semaphore-protocol/identity

Semaphore also provides @semaphore-protocol/core, which includes the functions of the following core packages: @semaphore-protocol/identity, @semaphore-protocol/group, @semaphore-protocol/proof.

Create identities

Create random identities

To create a random identity, instantiate Identity without any parameters. For example:

import { Identity } from "@semaphore-protocol/identity"

const { privateKey, publicKey, commitment } = new Identity()

The new identity contains your private key, your public key, and its associated commitment, which serves as a public representation of the identity (similar to an Ethereum address).

Create deterministic identities

If you pass a previously used private key or any secret value that acts as your private key as parameter, you can deterministically generate a Semaphore identity.

const identity1 = new Identity(privateKey)
// or
const identity2 = new Identity("secret-value")

Building a system to save or recover secret values of Semaphore identities is nontrivial. You may choose to delegate such functionality to existing wallets such as Metamask. For example:

  1. In Metamask, a user signs a message with the private key of their Ethereum account.
  2. In your application, the user creates a deterministic identity with the signed message that acts as your Semaphore private key.
  3. The user can now recreate their Semaphore identity whenever they want by signing the same message with their Ethereum account in Metamask.

Sign and verify messages

Semaphore V4 uses asymmetric cryptography and in particular EdDSA to generate the identity keys. It is therefore also possible to sign messages and verify their signatures.

Sign a message

Any Semaphore identity can sign a message by simply passing a string, number or buffer.

const message = "Hello World"

const signature = identity1.signMessage(message)

Verify a signature

After a message is signed, anyone can verify the signature using the message itself, the signature, and the signer's public key.

// Static method.
Identity.verifySignature(message, signature, identity1.publicKey)

Export and import an identity

A Semaphore Identity can be exported and then imported later for reuse.

Export an identity

Returns the private key encoded as a base64 string.

import { Identity } from "@semaphore-protocol/identity"

const identity = new Identity()

const privateKey = identity.export()

Import an identity

Returns a Semaphore identity based on a private key encoded as a base64 string.

import { Identity } from "@semaphore-protocol/identity"

const identity = new Identity()

const privateKey = identity.export()

const identity2 = Identity.import(privateKey)